This page presents our commitments to digital accessibility and defines the degree of compliance of this website with current regulations and standards.
Digital accessibility is a set of rules and best practices covering the functional, graphical, technical and editorial aspects of digital media.
By following these rules, digital media (such as websites, mobile apps and PDF documents) will be accessible to disabled persons..
With an accessible website you may, for example, be able to :
INRIA undertakes to make its websites (internet, intranet and extranet), mobile apps, software packages and digital urban furniture accessible in accordance with Article 47 of French Law 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.
To this end, we are implementing the strategy and measures set out in the Multiannual Accessibility Plan.
This statement concerns the "" website.
This website complies with Version 4.1.2 of the RRGAA (French General Accessibility Improvement Framework).
An audit carried out in November 2024 by the Ideance consulting firm and an expert who was not involved in the design or development of this website, revealed that the sample content is 100% compliant with RGAA Version 4.1.2.
Because this website aims to raise awareness and provide demonstrations, certain non-compliant developments have been incorporated deliberately in order to highlight accessibility issues. These nonconformities were not taken into account in determining the compliance rate. They are nevertheless explained below.
The source code generated for the web pages may not be entirely valid, depending on the specified document type.
However, for the reasons mentioned below, RGAA Criterion 8.2 associated with this point has been indicated as compliant.
Officially, Criterion 4.1.1 of the WCAG relating to this RGAA Criterion 8.2 has been deleted from WCAG 2.2 and should always be deemed as having been met with regard to WCAG 2.1 and the European Standard EN 301 549.
In practice, this criterion no longer brings any added benefit to disabled persons in terms of accessibility. Possible accessibility issues arising from an invalid generated source code are covered by other RGAA criteria.
This statement was drawn up by Ideance on 15 November 2024.
The tests were carried out using the following web browser and screen reader combinations :
Inria is committed to implementing all measures necessary in order to provide access - within a reasonable time frame - to any information or features persons with disabilities may be looking for, irrespective of whether or not the content is exempted.
IShould you encounter any difficulties, please contact Inria by email at in order to seek assistance (accessible alternative, information and content provided in a different format).
In this case your options are:
To report one or more breaches of the digital accessibility regulations, please use the contact form on the Arcom website.
To assert your rights in terms of the accessibility issues you have encountered :