République Française (liberté, égalité, fraternité) Inria

Visual impairment

Visual impairment is characterised by poorer eyesight and visual field loss.

Vision disorders can result in visual impairment, ranging from moderate to severe.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, severe photophobia and nystagmus are just some of the causes of visual impairment.

The visually impaired may have different needs depending on their condition, including sufficient colour contrast, the ability to zoom in or out, and customised text and/or background colours.

Information legibility

What do you think of these texts?

Insufficient contrast and non-adaptive technological integration

If there is not sufficient contrast between the colour of text and the background colour, some visually impaired people may struggle to see the text.

Similarly, if technological integration is not adaptive, this might prevent users of screen magnifiers from being able to access the information.

Sufficient contrast and adaptive technological integration

On the flipside, colours that are sufficiently well contrasted and adaptive technological integration will ensure that the visually impaired are able to access the information.

It is possible to use several colors to write text, it is only necessary to ensure sufficient contrasts.