République Française (liberté, égalité, fraternité) Inria

Hearing impairment

Hearing impairment is a reduction or disturbance in an individual’s capacity to perceive sounds.

Hearing impairment is generally used to describe a loss of auditory acuity, but it can also cover tinnitus (whistling, buzzing, crackling, etc.).

This deficiency can range from light deafness to severe deafness.

Audio information

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Text transcription

[ W3C Web Accessibility ]

Hi! My name is Shadi Abou-Zahra. I'm the Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist at W3C, the World Wide Web Consortium, and today I'd like to tell you about web accessibility.

[ People in an Internet cafe ] The Web is for many people an essential part of daily life.

[ Someone in an office using a computer ] At work.

[ Someone sitting in a sofa using a laptop ] At home.

[ Someone using a mobile phone while walking ] And on the road.

[ Someone using a mouthstick to type ] For example, somebody who cannot use their arms, and uses a mouthstick to type.

[ Someone using a hearing aid ] Or someone who cannot hear well, and uses captions to watch videos.

[ Someone using a screen reader ] Or someone who cannot see well, and uses a screen reader to read aloud what's on the screen.